A Final Update

I know many of you have been waiting for several months for an update as to our plans this Fall. I was waiting for one, too! I finally feel like we've reached a point where I can give a semi-detailed update that will provide more answers than questions, and I've done so on my new …

Walkin’ in Cambridge

I feel like most of my blogs, journal entries, and phone conversations often begin with the phrase, “It’s been a while.” I am not so great at keeping to structured habits, but I do at least try to fight against the opposing pulls of busy-ness and laziness that often keep me from my goals. It’s …

Earning My Keep

“Stop trying to earn your keep.” Tears flooded my eyes as my brain digested that statement, straight from the lips of my slightly disgruntled, trying-to-comfort-a-crying-wife-but-not-fully-knowing-why-she’s-crying-this-time husband. This. This spoke to every single one of my relationships and the anxiety I was currently feeling about all of them. I have a confession to make. If I’m …